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Adult Programs

Adulting is hard at times. Thus, adult programs are helpful, as no one likes to be in emotional pain and feel like they are alone without support.


Taking charge of bullying

A 2-hour workshop for parents who want to learn more on how to build resilience within their children against bullying or for parents whose children are experiencing bullying.

The workshop covers the following topics:

You don’t have to struggle in silence.

Raising awareness around Sexual Abuse of Children

Is an information session for parents on how they can incorporate protective behaviours into their children’s lives through every day interaction.

Topics may include:

Bringing Up Great Kids

Is an evidenced-based parenting adult program that draws from aspects of child-centered and strengths-based perspectives, neurobiological development, attachment theory, and narrative and solution-focused therapies.

Topics may include:

You don’t have to struggle in silence.

Rebalancing Life / Stress Management

Stress is a everyday part of life. We have good stress which works as a motivator, and we have stress that can do us harm and present itself within the body and through our emotions. Learn what causes you stress and tools you can use to change the way you hold onto the stress.

This fun and engaging program uses various interventions including:

Women Who Shine / Self-awareness program for Women

A program for women who identify as having a low self-esteem and in need of assistance in identifying their strengths and accepting who they are. The facilitators work alongside the participants providing guidance, encouragement and support to enhance their sense of self and assist them to recognise their strengths within and gain acceptance of who they are, therefore working towards taking charge of their own self-esteem.

This fun and engaging program uses various methods of therapeutic interventions including:

Most counselling sessions are offered Face to Face, or Online* via our secure Telehealth service. 

Parenting Chunks

A two-hour workshop for parents who want to learn more on a specific topic/areas of concern relating to their child/children.

Possible topics could be presented are:

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